Kong Trivia

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Godzilla vs Kong review by Decker Shado

Godzilla vs. Kong will be released in 2021 as a sequel to King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island.

Godzilla vs. Kong has finally been released after being postponed from May 29, 2020 to March 13, 2020, November 20, 2020, and ultimately May 21, 2021. On March 31, 2021, it will be released in the United States. The film was also accessible on HBO Max until April 30, 2021.

In addition to being directed by Adam Wingard, the picture is produced by Mary Parent, Alex Garcia, Eric McLeod, and Brian Rogers, with the script written by Eric Pearson and Max Borenstein, based on a story by Terry Rossio, Michael Dougherty, and Zach Shields. The film is now in production. King of the Monsters was written by Borenstein, Dougherty, and Shields as well. Godzilla vs. Kong is set five years after the events of King of the Monsters, and it follows Godzilla and Kong as they engage in a massive fight in the aftermath of Ghidorah's wrath.

A follow-up sequel to the film is now under production.

Legends collide in "Godzilla vs. Kong" as two epic foes clash in a dramatic confrontation with the destiny of the planet at stake. Kong and his guards go on a treacherous trip to locate his rightful home, accompanied by Jia, a little orphaned girl with whom he has developed an unbreakable attachment. However, they unintentionally find themselves in the path of an infuriated Godzilla, who is wreaking havoc around the globe. The epic battle between the two titans, sparked by invisible powers, is merely the beginning of the mystery that lurks deep under the Earth's core.

In 2024, five years after Godzilla defeated and destroyed his alien foe Ghidorah in a battle for supremacy in 2019, he and Kong are the only active Titans on Earth. Skull Island's climate has become unstable as a result of a storm generated by Ghidorah combining with the storm cell that surrounds the island perpetually, forcing Monarch to confine Kong inside a dome-shaped facility that simulated the island's environment, with the assistance of an orphaned young Iwi girl named Jia, who is deaf and communicates with Kong via sign language.

However, when Jia visits Kong and offers him a toy, the Titan, realizing that he is stuck within the biodome, quickly tosses a tree at it.

Meanwhile, Bernie Hayes, an employee of the Apex Cybernetics business and presenter of the Titan Truth Podcast, exfiltrates material indicating evil activity at an Apex facility in Pensacola, but as he finishes downloading the data, Godzilla appears and strikes unexpectedly. Bernie finds a bizarre piece of equipment like a huge robotic eye amid the facility's debris during Godzilla's assault.

After the assault, popular opinion has changed against Godzilla, who is no longer considered as a savior for mankind. In the wake of Godzilla's recent assault on her school, Bernie's podcast listener Madison Russell is concerned. Trying to reason with her widowed father Mark (who is working as Monarch's director) about a potential lead on the source of Godzilla's rampage after school, she tries unsuccessfully, but he ignores all she says as he simply answers that beasts, just like humans, may transform. Madison later enlists the assistance of her closest friend Josh Valentine in order to track down the person responsible for Godzilla's rampage and uncover the mysteries of Apex.

For a strong energy source, Apex founder and CEO Walter Simmons employs Nathan Lind, a former Monarch scientist turned Hollow Earth theorist. Nathan is cautious at first since his brother attempted to investigate the Hollow Earth and was killed by an anti-gravity field within the tunnel. Walter says Apex has constructed Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicles, customized aircraft capable of withstanding the gravity field's pressure.

Nathan travels to Skull Island to meet his colleague, Monarch anthropological linguist and Jia's adoptive mother Ilene Andrews, with the idea of using Kong as their navigator to lead them to the energy source because Skull Island can no longer contain him and allow him to survive (because Kong has grown too large). Though Ilene first rejects, explaining that Godzilla would come for Kong as soon as he was relocated off of Skull Island, she eventually agrees when Nathan persuades her that they must undertake this mission in order to end Godzilla's rampage and to find Kong a new home.

Nathan, Ilene, Jia, and a crew from Apex commanded by Walter's daughter Maia board a customized barge with a barely drugged Kong locked up to keep him from escaping. Kong grows restless and anxious one rainy night, and begins pulling on the shackles that imprison him, but Jia calms him down by allowing her and Kong to touch fingers in solidarity as Kong signs the word "home" much to Ilene's surprise. The next day, Ilene describes to Nathan how she raised Jia as her adopted daughter when violent and unpredictable storms swept off the majority of the Iwi and her parents, but Jia was the only survivor due to Kong's protection, which resulted in the two developing a relationship.

The Titan attacks the soldiers before capsizing the barge and almost drowning Kong and the other passengers. Finally, Nathan frees Kong by breaking his chains, allowing him to fight Godzilla under the surface long enough to swim to the surface and flip the barge, saving the passengers from drowning. Then Godzilla climbs onto a nearby aircraft carrier to fight Kong. Godzilla is sufficiently distracted by jet planes before Kong can push him back into the ocean. Kong rushes off the carrier to dodge the atomic explosion, but Godzilla wraps his tail around him and drags him into the ocean, attempting to drown the Titan.

Their struggle is broken up, however, when Godzilla is distracted by depth charges, allowing Kong to surface for air.

Because there is no other option, Nathan decides that the group should turn off all of the ships' engines to fool Godzilla into thinking he has destroyed them and Kong has been defeated, which they eventually do. Godzilla looks at the shattered fleet with interest and then swims away, assuming he has triumphed. Realizing that reactivating the ships may allow Godzilla to return, the party decides to fly Kong to a Hollow Earth entrance site in Antarctica, where Ghidorah was initially frozen. Jia explains to Kong that his house is via the front door, but he is hesitant to walk through it.

Given that they won't be able to return Kong to Skull Island owing to the cold, Nathan asks Ilene whether Kong would go down the tube if there were others like him. Ilene advises Jia to inquire about Kong's family's whereabouts.

Walter then reveals his plan to capture the Hollow Earth's energy in order to overcome Mechagodzilla's limits. Madison then understands that Mechagodzilla is the reason Godzilla attacked in the first place: Apex is attempting to usurp him and all the Titans in order for humans to become Earth's apex species. While searching for an exit, Madison and the others come across a room where Ren is seated inside Ghidorah's severed head, which has been transformed into a biological supercomputer and cockpit for Ren to control Mechagodzilla via radio waves. Apex acquired the head from Alan Jonah after it was bitten off by Godzilla five years ago during his battle with Ghidorah.

Inside the Hollow Earth, Kong and Nathan's team find an ecosystem similar to Skull Island. While roaming the landscape, they are suddenly attacked by a pair of Warbats, with one destroying one of the HEAVs. Kong was able to save the group by killing the first Warbat and swings its corpse into the second one which staggers it, but the creature recovers and constricts itself around him. Before the Warbat can suffocate Kong, the creature is bombarded by missiles from Nathan's team in their HEAV, giving Kong the opportunity to break free and violently beats the monster to death before feasting on the dead Warbat by eating its innards.

The next day, Kong and Nathan's crew continue their quest, finally arriving to a massive stone temple that was formerly the property of Kong's forefathers. As they explore the inside, they discover remnants of an old fight between Kong's and Godzilla's races, as well as an ancient axe crafted from the dorsal plate of a dead member of Godzilla's species, which Kong uses to sit on a massive throne. In the process of locating the power source that would allow them to augment Mechagodzilla's power supply, Nathan's crew discovers that the same power source can also be used to replenish Kong's battle axe. Maia and the Apex crew, on the other hand, utilize spider-like drones to harvest the power source and transport it back to their Hong Kong headquarters, ignoring Ilene's protests that Apex should not just grab the discovery of the century. Maia orders her bodyguards to fire their weapons towards Nathan's crew, only for Kong to violently scream at them in response to their actions. While this is going on, Mechagodzilla starts transmitting a signal to Godzilla, who is alerted to the machine's activation and immediately rushes for Hong Kong.

Godzilla enters the city and, recognizing Kong's presence in the Hollow Earth, uses his atomic breath to bore a tunnel through the biosphere, causing the temple to collapse. While Kong and Nathan's team fight off a flock of Hellhawks, Maia and her team try to flee in their HEAV, only for Kong to grab it on their way out and, despite Maia's attempts to shoot him in order to flee, he instantly crushes the aircraft in his hand after peeking inside to make sure Jia, Ilene, and Nathan aren't in there, killing Maia and her crew.

Kong accepts Godzilla's challenge and begins to go to Hong Kong with his axe, while Ilene, Nathan, and Jia follow in their HEAV, a hole produced by Godzilla's atomic breath. When Kong confronts Godzilla again in Hong Kong, he obtains the upper hand and shoves his axe down Godzilla's throat, stopping him from launching his atomic breath. Kong uses his axe to hurt Godzilla in the thigh, but Godzilla removes and discards the axe. Kong recovers his axe and brings it down on Godzilla, causing an explosion that pushes both Titans back, giving Nathan the impression that Kong had won the second round of the battle against Godzilla.

He shows compassion and saves Kong's life before walking away, leaving Kong with serious injuries but still awake as he succumbs to commotio cordis as a result of his injuries.

When Walter returns to the Apex headquarters, he is overjoyed and orders Ren to dispatch Mechagodzilla to fight Godzilla. Though Ren cautions him against utilizing the new Hollow Earth energy source without first testing it, he dismisses Ren's warning and tells him to activate the mecha without hesitation. Bernie, Madison, and Josh are apprehended by security for invading Apex headquarters and are transferred to Walter's place of confinement. Despite the fact that Madison blames Walter of inciting Godzilla to war and caused everything to come to this, Walter boldly says that he took responsibility for providing humanity a chance to fight back against Godzilla and the Titans in the first place.

When the energy source and Ghidorah's brain networks affect Mechagodzilla, the robot goes berserk, murdering Walter with a sweep of its hand and electrocuting Ren when Walter's back is turned while he talks about his invention. Ghidorah's mind has now taken control of Mechagodzilla, which escapes from the Apex facility under Victoria Peak Mountain and attacks the city before Godzilla can stop it. Prior to engaging Godzilla, Mechagodzilla launches a salvo of missiles at its biological counterpart to close the gap.

While Josh and Bernie try unsuccessfully to deactivate the rampaging robot remotely and Madison tries to summon Mark for assistance, Godzilla and Mechagodzilla battle. At one point, both fire their energy beams at each other, which lock together, only for Mechagodzilla to gain the upper hand, knocking Godzilla over and burning him. While Mechagodzilla proceeds to overrun and seriously beat Godzilla, Nathan, Ilene, and Jia approach an unconscious Kong, where Jia detects a slowing of his pulse. Ilene explains that they are unable to produce a charge large enough to restart Kong's heart, but Nathan, recalling Maia's earlier statement about the HEAVs producing a charge large enough to power Las Vegas for a week, flies the remaining HEAV onto Kong's chest and sets it to self-destruct, detonating the craft and releasing a massive electrical charge that instantly revives Kong.

To save Godzilla, Kong climbs atop Mechagodzilla and diverts its red energy beam into the air, thereby preventing Godzilla from being killed. Godzilla aids Kong in the battle against Mechagodzilla after realizing that Kong saved his life and realising that he is not an adversary.

Working together, the two Titans are able to reverse the tide, but the robot proves to be much more powerful than their combined might and ultimately defeats them both. Kong recovers his axe from the wreckage after having misplaced it during his earlier battle against Godzilla. He then attacks Mechagodzilla with it, but his weapon is rendered ineffective by the robot's tail drill, which attempts to fatally impale Kong with its tail drill. Kong is killed by the robot's tail drill. As it seems like all hope is gone for Kong and Godzilla at this point, Bernie, understanding that he and the others are powerless, takes out a flask of vodka and suggests that they all have a drink. Godzilla and King Kong are able to recover and regain the upper hand after Josh snatches the flask from Bernie's grasp and accidentally short-circuits Mechagodzilla's controls by pouring the contents of the drink all over the control panel. This allows Godzilla and King Kong to recover and regain the upper hand.

Madison re-introduces Mark to Josh and Bernie, who are delighted to see Mark and invite him into his program to discuss the Monarch facility in Roswell. Godzilla appears out of nowhere, prompting Kong to pick up his axe and continue the fight. Godzilla does not attack, instead staring Kong down. Kong lowers his axe, thereby ending the war between his and Godzilla's species. Godzilla and Kong are now on equal footing, and Godzilla returns to the water calmly, with Kong and everyone else observing.

Other Monster Films

Godzilla vs. Kong has received mostly good reviews. Rotten Tomatoes has 341 reviews, 254 of which are fresh, with a "Tomatometer" score of 74% fresh as of April 16, 2021. Forget character development and human drama; Godzilla vs. Kong delivers all the excitement you'd expect from two huge monsters battling it out.

The site's summary of audience evaluations had a similar sentiment, writing that "This long-awaited blockbuster matchup makes it easy not to think about the so-so story and characters by serving up plenty of action and incredible effects." Indeed, critics largely enjoyed the film's monster brawling portion, but some voiced dissatisfaction in the "half-baked" human part of the picture. The film was credited with breaking a five-day weekend box office slump fueled by the COVID-19 outbreak, earning an estimated $48.5 million dollars by Sunday morning. WarnerMedia did not reveal viewership data for the film on HBO Max, but maintained that it had the highest viewership of any series or feature published on the channel since its introduction. The picture also enjoyed tremendous overseas ticket sales, with an extra haul of around $236 million in non-U.S. countries.

Godzilla vs. Kong topped the overall box office of Godzilla: King of the Monsters on April 17, 2021, although still having a relatively low box office owing to the outbreak.

The first Godzilla film directed by Terry Rossio, based on an unproduced story from 1994.

Godzilla vs. Kong has the shortest running duration in the MonsterVerse, clocking in at 113 minutes.

Eva Unit-02, like Godzilla, also leaps from ship to ship to evade an angel in a sequence that is reminiscent of Kong's.


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